Welcome to Dr. Shaimaa Foda

Psychological Care For Everyone Who Needs!

I am here to help everyone with their feelings! I know that feeling good in your mind is important, and I want to support you. It doesn’t matter who you are or what’s going on; I am here to listen and help.

Let’s start this journey together towards feeling happier and healthier.

Dr. Shaimaa Foda
Mental Health & Family Counseling Specialist
For Better Wellness & Hope
Conditions We Address

Services for Individual

Welcome to my space where your journey towards mental well-being and personal development is my priority....

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Services for Business

Welcome to my professional arena, where prioritizing your corporate growth is at the heart of our services....

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Online Courses

Courses are crafted with a focus on delivering impactful learning, and flexibility to meet the diverse needs....

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Psychological Support
Gain practical exercises and steps to reduce your reliance on social media and reclaim control of your life …
Marriage Counseling
Strengthen your relationship and improve communication through my effective marriage counseling sessions …
Self-Development Courses
My courses are tailored to meet your unique needs and empower you with practical tools for self-improvement …
Children problems
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Couples Help
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Group Therapy
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Remove Depression
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Help for parents
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For Better Welness & Hope
Hospital News

New System Helps Teachers Gain Back Time

Labore etms dolore magna aliqua veniam nostrud exercitation ullamco sed eiusmod tempor incididunt labore. Tours him route accable ecarter grand. Remarkably didn’t WordPress increasing occasional to difficulty especially.
  • Posted:8 February 2017

Body’s Can Help Protect Against Brain Tumors

Labore etms dolore magna aliqua veniam nostrud exercitation ullamco sed eiusmod tempor incididunt labore. Tours him route accable ecarter grand. Remarkably didn’t WordPress increasing occasional to difficulty especially.
  • Posted:29 May 2017
For Better Welness & Hope
Patient’s Saying
Medical prissy so smiling a before cantans kerously much notwit ahstan dingt hungry towards dear as darn more cavalier hatche far pending rid boa yet more across caterpillar unwound terrier crud misread less this globefish positively drank far far forbade.
Martina ThomasNew York, USA
Medical prissy so smiling a before cantans kerously much notwit ahstan dingt hungry towards dear as darn more cavalier hatche far pending rid boa yet more across caterpillar unwound terrier crud misread less this globefish positively drank far far forbade.
Martina ThomasNew York, USA
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Contact Info
20B Geser El-Suez st., Heliopolis,

Cairo Governorate, Egypt.

+20 100 013 7632